Sunday, January 30, 2011

Where Can I Find Katydids Candy

Interview with prof. Vittorio Cigoli

Professor of Clinical Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology, Catholic University of Milan. Director of the High School of Psychology A. Gemelli
- What do you expect from the degree course in which you work? And the university?

Certainly I expect the university to support teaching and the ability to do research. Unfortunately, the Italian academic system is full of bureaucracy, but this concerns the Italian university in general. I would say that we teachers are mainly here to do research. We are not professors high school, the functions are different. Also exist as a university since we have international programs in value. The Catholic pays great attention to this aspect, making good investments.
Psychology is a power of prestige among the best in the field not only Italian, but internationally. It has invested heavily in the field of education, according to a directive threefold: the creation of working groups and research laboratories for students, the existence of valid degree courses, the establishment of nine second-level master. Moreover, the faculty of Psychology at the Catholic University has a long and famous tradition: Father Agostino Gemelli was the first psychologist in Italy.

- Can you find two things negative and two positive things the university in which you work?

As mentioned before, are definitely positive aspects of the Catholic support for research and good international relations. Another aspect is represented by investments in offices, in particular the Faculty of Psychology, with the creation of a new headquarters and laboratories in which students can apply their knowledge, is believed to be one step ahead of many other cultures. I find it difficult to indicate the negative aspects attributable to my university as such. Surely, the excess of administrative commitments teachers, often engaged in operations such as organization of credit, which should not compete. It is, however, a downside dictated from above, including the Catholic University has no specific faults. I see no other negatives, the relationship with colleagues is good.

- Tell us at least three factors that should characterize, in his view, the university ideal.

For starters, exploitation, poor today, the teaching staff. Currently, salaries are laughable when compared with those of other European countries, there would be no need for an adequate recognition of our role from the point of view. Second
place, it is essential to insist on investing in research. Without research the university does not make its full role.
Finally, you need to invest in international networks. In particular, we must implement research opportunities abroad and exchange of educational experiences.

- What would you suggest to a student who is starting college?

may refer to the Faculty of Psychology, in which I work. First of all, we must consider the passion! The guys who go on to university should be aware that the situation of the labor market in Italy is very bad, so I highly recommend you to choose a entitled them passionate, with materials that you are sure will please. In Italy there are many psychologists. For a good training program today takes ten years of university study, university, apprenticeship and master. The satisfaction from the economic point of view, unfortunately, is zero. Psychologists should leave the clinic: the clinical market is saturated. There is, however, a growing demand for applied psychology. Is the ability of graduates to carve out new spaces in the world of work must be creative and put passion in his own initiative, taking advantage of different opportunities to work, such as those that may come from new technologies of communication and the internet. Passion is important both during and after their studies.


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