Sunday, January 30, 2011

Drivers Ed February Suffolk County

Milan International Model United Nations (MILMUN)

in Milan next May will host the first edition of the Milan International Model United Nations (MILMUN), simulation of UN activities at the academic level.
This international event, organized by a team of students from Bocconi University and Catholic, was made possible through the collaboration of the University Bocconi, Institute for Studies of International Politics and the City of Milan.
Each student selected will represent a country other than their own and will have to rebuild, as closely as possible to the policy and interests of the State. This type of workshop was organized for the first time in 1953 by Harvard University for its students, and still takes place in hundreds of universities around the world. Our project aims to promote and disseminate the Model United Nations in Italy, together with the values \u200b\u200band objectives of cooperation and solidarity that underlies it.
From May 7 to 12, 6 to 87 delegates and journalists, accompanied by a team of eight chairs and 10 staff members, will life in a six days of debate, in a faithful reproduction of the activities of the Security Council (SC), Program for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), World Trade Organization (WTO) and the Commission on Human Rights ( UNHRC).
activities will be held in the splendid setting of Palazzo Clerici, made available by the ISP.
addition to discussions among students on topics previously assigned, there will be lectures by experts in the various workshops, as well as an opening and a closing ceremony at the Bocconi University, which will involve, among others, the head of the UN in Iraq, Kishore Mandhyan .
The guidelines are available on the project website , where there is a list of email addresses to contact for any special request for the Application Form.
language of the simulation will be English, whose fluent is the basic requirement for the submission of the Application.
This is a good opportunity for all students of Italian international experience, know young people from different cultures, can talk with them to reach diplomatic agreements, not all moving to Milan and participating in various events organized by and unforgettable team events!
The Italian night, the clubbing night, the gala will be more opportunities for delegates to socialize and weaving diplomatic relations in order to reach a good conclusion of the work.
This will be the method of work of aspiring diplomats, who are called to give an example of flexibility within a framework of realism, so you can suggest with his example the way forward for resolving the major international conflicts.
Muners of the world together in Milan, we are waiting!


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