Sunday, May 11, 2008

Swing Party Activities

St. John Villa Rizzardi Amarone della Valpolicella Classico 2001 Guerrieri Rizzardi

Ah, if it's good quest'Amarone! And over time, is still improving.
confess (it's a sin? Do not know) is not usually a super-fan of the Reds Amarone, for drinking at the table is often difficilino drink it, and therefore need more than anything to taste them. Or use them for what Americans call the special occasion.
But when I find a bottle of Amarone who has the good balance, well, 'I am ready to see me again, to reconsider. And in this case I have no doubt: the Villa Rizzardi Amarone 2001 is one of those very good.
M'era liked about a year and a half ago. I found the table one evening the week of Vinitaly em'ha surprised How much further increased, exclusivity, elegance. And these are the prerogatives - along with the drink - that above all I want in a wine.
The nose and mouth is a riot of ripe red fruit - but not overripe, not marmellatoso - and then of oriental spices, as well - so much - of medicinal herbs, alpine. There
concentration, but also fresh impetus. And juiciness. And the tannin is well modulated, velvety, enveloping. It is fruity
infinite length.
Great wine. Three Faccini
happy :-) :-) :-)
May 11, 2008


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